USS Peleliu hospital ship helping with charity activities in Da Nang City

Captain Bruce Stewart, director of the Pacific Partnership Programme, gave a token of presents worth US$100,000 to charity organsations, street children centres and associations in support of children in Central Da Nang City.

Docked in Da Nang from July 15-25, doctors and volunteers o­n board the USS Peleliu hospital ship have come to 18 clinics to provide free medical check-up to more than 10,000 people, most of them children. They have also visited some hospitals in the city to exchange experiences and introduce the latest medical techniques and helped upgrade and rebuild 13 district-level clinics.

Among charity activities, the USS Peleliu hospital ship had sport exchanges with children in difficult circumstances living in the Hope Village, and the Centre in Support of Children, and with students from the Da Nang Sports and Physical Training University.

Captain Bruce Stewart, director of the Pacific Partnership Programme, and US Vice ambassador Jonathan Aloisi thanked Vietnam for having created favourable conditions for the USS Peleliu hospital ship to carry out charity activities in Da Nang City.

The USS Peleliu hospital ship was considered by local people as a messenger of philanthropy and Vietnam-US friendship. 


