Solutions to increase women leaders’ percentage

In her opening remarks, Ms. Ton Ngoc Hanh - Alternate Member of the Party Central Committee and VWU’s Vice President – made a mention of 03 VWU’s regional workshops on female cadre work and policies for specific women groups. Localities nationwide now vary in women cadres’ percentage. Particularly, Hai Phong city and Ca Mau province have no women as National Assembly deputies at all. At present, the rate of female deputies to the 15th National Assembly is over 30% - the highest rate since the 6th National Assembly, and the percentage of female People's Council deputies at all levels is 29% - higher than that of the previous term. According to the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report (June 2023), Vietnam leaped 11 places in gender equality index compared to 2022, from 83rd to 72nd among 146 countries. In politics, Vietnam’s rank jumped from 106th in 2022 to 89th in 2023 (an increase of 27 places), in which the rate of women in parliament ranked 53rd.
Alternate Member of the Party Central Committee, VWU’s Vice President Ton Ngoc Hanh making opening remarks
The Law on Election of National Assembly and People's Council Deputies requires that women make up at least 35% of the candidates to the National Assembly and People's Council. By 2030, the rate of female National Assembly and People's Council deputies at all levels is targeted to reach over 35%. If there is no consistant and timely solutions such as training and staff planning, it will be difficult to achieve these targets, emphasized Hanh.
Ms. Hoang Thi Le Hang, Country Manager of APHEDA in Vietnam
Ms. Hoang Thi Le Hang, Country Manager of APHEDA in Vietnam noted that the workshop was organized to help Vietnam head towards its target of ensuring at least 35% of women candidates to the National Assembly and People's Councils in the 2026 election. Women empowerment and gender equality will help countries better solve existing social problems, added Hang.
Along with the speakers' sharing, many solutions and recommendations were discussed to enhance women’s participation in politics and impove gender equality in Vietnam.
Workshop overview
Concluding the workshop, VWU Vice President Ton Ngoc Hanh appreciated and noted all the opinions expressed by the delegates. These opinions analyzed experiences and initiatives takenduring the previous elections, achievements, limitations and barriers that limited women's opportunities and participation in elected bodies ect.
A delegate giving recommendations to promote women’s participation in elected bodies
The women’s participation in politics including elected bodies is highly necessary to ensure women’s representative voice and address effectively issues related to women and children. To realize the goals and targets set by the Party and State, the entire political system needs to make greater efforts and determination with the consensus by all levels and sectors and the support by the entire community.