World Vision helps poor district

As many as 11 villages and townships in poverty-stricken Quan Hoa district in central Thanh Hoa province will benefit from a World Vision project on sustainable development.

The project is designed to open free training courses o­n animal husbandry and farming staple food crops and aims to provide hybrid rice and maize seedlings as well as rabbit, pig and goat breeds for 1,400 poor families.

Forty-two hybrid rice and maize farming models are also slated for trial.

The project’s VND 7.4 billion for 2008 will cover the construction of small-sized irrigation systems in two villages and expansion of the forest-garden-fish ponds and pigsty combination in three other villages.

Veterinary training and animal medicine for district veterinary stations and 11 villages are included in the project and poor families will be provided with consultation and credit to boost family economy.

The project will also assist village children and help improve educational facilities by supplying toys and teaching aids, and building kitchens, latrines, playgrounds and safe water supply systems for kindergartens and primary schools. 


