Vietnam Women’s Union attends WIDF Direction Committee Meeting

The delegation from the Central Vietnam Women's Union (VWU) led by its Vice President, Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Huong attended the Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF) Direction Committee Meeting in the capital Bogota, Colombia from 18th to 22nd of November, 2024.
VWU Vice President Nguyen Thi Minh Huong speaks at the meeting

35 delegates from 17 countries from all over the world attended this event and Vietnam is the only representative from the Asia-Pacific region.

Delegates at the meeting

The meeting reviewed the agreed contents at the last WIDF meeting in 2023 and approved WIDF’s and regional report in 2024. Delegates also focused on exchanging and discussing topics such as new affiliations, calling for the US to end embargo on Cuba, international solidarity with Palestinian and Lebanese women and people, calling for accelerating the process of implementing the peace agreement in Colombia and especially the celebration of WIDF’s 80th anniversary of foundation in 2025.

At the meeting, Vice President Minh Huong presented VWU’s report, which summarized the results of its activities in 2024. In the report, she also highlighted the external relations  achievements and the role of WUs at all levels in women works and experience in conducting social monitoring and criticism activities, giving recommendations to WIDF for the coming time as well.

VWU Vice President Nguyen Thi Minh Huong (right) and the WIDF President (middle)

After three working days, the meeting adopted the Declaration expressing aspirations of WIDF members for a world where peace, social and environmental justice prevail, contributing to the construction of a global alternative that values the life, sovereignty of peoples and women’s rights.

It was decided that the WIDF’s 80th anniversary of foundation and its DC meeting and other side events will be organised in Cuba in 2025.

During the visit, Ms. Minh Huong had a short meeting with WIDF President to discuss on WIDF upcoming activities in the Asia-Pacific region; meetings with the Colombian female Senator and the Bogota City Council member.

Vice President Nguyen Thi Minh Huong had meetings with the Colombian Senator and Bogota City Councilor

Translated by VWU International Relations Dept.

